Suburbia - Loneliness and Salvation, 2000

Revolving multiple projection, dimensions variable. Exhibited at KZNSA Gallery, the Bergen Art Academy.

During an early research trip to Angola, specifically within the historic ramparts of Luanda's ancient fort, I encountered a seemingly incongruous assemblage of artifacts within a courtyard setting. This collection presented an eclectic array of items, ranging from architectural fragments to statues and various forms of military hardware. Intrigued by the apparent lack of thematic coherence, I undertook a rigorous inquiry into the provenance of these objects. My investigation revealed that a significant portion of these military and civilian relics had been bequeathed to the municipality of Luanda.

Further scrutiny led to the discovery that the post-World War II era had seen a substantial donation of obsolete military hardware to former colonies, including Angola. This included an array of aircraft, tanks, and other military equipment, now displayed as historical artifacts. This finding not only sheds light on the complex historical relationships between colonial powers and their former territories but also raises critical questions about the politics of memory, heritage, and the material culture of post-colonial societies. The presence of such artifacts serves as a tangible reminder of historical power dynamics. It offers fertile ground for academic exploration into how these objects are curated, interpreted, and integrated into the collective memory of a post-colonial society.

Review of the work by Paul Edmunds, Artthrob, November 2000.

Jose Ferreira’s video piece, entitled Suburbia - Loneliness and salvation, takes an ominous, almost dramatic look at the intrusion into the personal by the technological. A pool of light filled with the silhouette of a massive military aircraft moves over the landscape of Ferreira’s cool blue bedclothes. A low, relentless rumbling accompanies this... succeeds in creating a threatening, almost futuristic atmosphere. 


Archival image of a Spitfire donated to the Angolan government by the British Armed Forces, 1955